Course image PX150:Physics Programming Workshop 2019/20
Course image PX279:The Solar System 2019/20
Course image PX319/402 Physics Project (19/20) 2019/20
Course image PX443:Planets, Exoplanets and Life 2019/20
Course image PX911:Multiscale Modelling Methods & Applications I 2019/20

Multiscale Modelling Methods & Applications I: Core Module for the HetSys CDT.

Course image PX912:Multiscale Modelling Methods & Applications II 2019/20
Course image PX913:Introduction to Scientific Software Development 2019/20
Course image PX914:Predictive Modelling and Uncertainty Quantification 2019/20
Course image PX915:Modelling of Heterogeneous Systems Group Project and Peer-to-peer Project Evaluation 2019/20
Course image PX917:Computational Plasma Physics 2019/20
Course image PX918:Electronic structure theory for experiments and models 2019/20
Course image PX920:Micromechanics of Materials 2019/20

PX920: Homogenisation of Non-linear Heterogeneous Solids

Short description

The module aims to provide students with understanding and practical aspects of homogenisation methods for predicting overall macroscopic response of heterogeneous solids through lectures and workshop activities.  

Learning objectives:

  1. Understand the concept of the effective behaviour of heterogeneous materials
  2. Understand the concept of homogenisation 
  3. Implement homogenisation process into finite-element solution
  4. Apply homogenisation to analyse simple heterogeneous solids


  • Effective behaviour of heterogeneous solids (week 1): introduction; implementation of bounds into a finite-element procedure
  • Mathematical asymptotic homogenisation (weeks 2-3):  theory 
  • Asymptotic homogenisation (week 4): computer implementation
  • Mini-Project (week 5)

Illustrative Bibliography:

J. Fish: Practical multiscaling, Wiley (available from the Library).

S. Torquato: Random heterogeneous materials, Springer (available from the Library).

Module Leader: Dr Łukasz Figiel

Lecturer: Dr Łukasz Figiel 

Email: l.w.figiel@warwick.ac.uk

Course image PX922:Approximation Theory for PDEs and Machine Learning 2019/20